A new way of thinking

    Do you ever come across situations when you feel like the odds are all up against you and  feel like you've got no way out of it? That's the way I feel a lot of the time, I get so angry and feel like no one's listening to me, but then I remember that god never said it was going to be easy, it was a choice to become his follower, no one forced us to. Maybe the reason we're put through these situations is to be that strength for other people who are going through the same struggle, I've thought about it a lot and realized not to be ashamed or embarrassed about it and hiding it isn't going to fix anything ether, you're not alone in these situations, even if it may feel that way you've always got god right beside you.

     These past few months have been very life changing you could say,I've always had the struggle of find my place on this earth but over time I've come to realize that I don't need the approval of this earth, the only approval I need is god's  
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:2)
 that's what we need to remember.
I've decided to star this blog to remind myself of the things that can have an impact on not just my life but others too and hopefully it won't be just a one time thing but an constant ongoing reminder of everything that will keep god close to your heart and that will show his love through your lifestyle.   


  1. Hey Maria, I just want you to know that you are so loved and that you are so special! Being a teenager is super hard, and other people can be really misunderstanding of the true beauty inside of not only you but themselves too. I love your heart to just lean on God and allow Him to show you your true identity. That verse that you quoted is so true. When we set our eyes on things above, it changes our perspective of things on this earth. He has amazing plans for you, Maria, and I'm so excited to see Him live His life through you as you keep your heart focused on him! Love you, cousin!


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